Billing Medicaid Manually vs. With Software

Billing Medicaid Manually vs. With Software
August 09, 2022
Last updated on September 17, 2023
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You may believe that your hospital or medical practice is delivering good results without any Medicaid billing software or tool. This is particularly true if you are running a lucrative medical practice. However, by implementing Medicaid billing software, your practice will likely be more organized and profitable.

If you run a behavioral health practice, attaining and maintaining compliance with both federal and state regulations and laws is essential. 

Medicaid billing is usually a complex and tricky process. However, it does not need to be that way. Medicaid software solutions, such as BillPro, have changed how NEMT companies and health organizations bill their claims. 

This removes the hassle and inconvenience of manual processes and replaces them with modern and all-encompassing solutions.

Medical Claims and Medicaid Billing Explained

In simple words, medical billing is a robust payment structure that’s used by the US healthcare system. Keep in mind that healthcare providers in the US must submit and follow up with healthcare insurance organizations and firms to get reimbursed for health services delivered.

As Medicaid is a US government-funded health program, submitted claims are required to comply with specific medical coding practices and procedures for billing purposes.

Healthcare providers have the option to bill Medicaid in various ways, such as: 

  • Manually submitting all health claims 

  • Using a professional clearinghouse in order to receive paper claims; or

  • Billing all Medicaid claims electronically, by 

  • Submitting health billing info to a secure web-based portal that the payer has provided; or

  • Using a secure and reliable Medical software solution to manage the relevant billing information automatically 

Risks of Manual Medicaid Billing


Wrongful or Duplicate Billing

Duplicate billing occurs when a healthcare provider bills for the same test, procedure, or treatment more than once. This is one of the main risks of manual billing. And a fraud investigation may ensue if a health provider regularly submits duplicate bills.

Coding Without Suitable Documentation

You probably know that including appropriate documentation or paperwork with coding is important for receiving timely and accurate reimbursement. Manual Medicaid billing increases the risk of errors. In the absence of official medical forms and invoices, the staff is more likely to commit mistakes.

Medicaid Billing – Benefits of Using Software

It becomes simpler to locate specific documentation and paperwork by automating repeat processes. And you can ensure that health claims are filed accurately and timely when you use Medicaid billing software. Here are a few important reasons to use Medicaid billing software in your medical practice.

Improves and Expedites Claim Tracking

There is no doubt that Medicaid billing software is incredibly valuable for tracking and processing health claims. You can check patient coverage with any reliable software program, and it will promptly notify you if a claim is rejected. 

Minimizes Billing Errors and Paperwork 

Nowadays, paperwork is starting to disappear from the medical industry. This is because most healthcare providers choose a more efficient and effective method of handling invoicing and insurance claims. 

Reducing paperwork, such as physical forms, is a simple way to cut down on mistakes and errors that could be made. You can practically do away with all of the paperwork pertaining to your medical practice by adopting a reliable medical billing software solution.

Improves Overall Patient Care Level

Improves Overall Patient Care Level

One of the simplest and most effective ways to enhance and streamline patient experience is by making several payment options available for patients. Note that this means offering multiple electronic payment options. This is where BillPro can be valuable.

BillPro is packed with amazing features that afford you seamless and hassle-free operations from start to finish. Do you work on out-of-state Medicaid billing? Perhaps, you want to streamline Medicaid ambulance billing. With BillPro, you will have  full control over your client information. This helps you validate everything, including  Medicaid billing balances. With BillPro, you can handle several offices or business lines within a single system.

Final Thoughts 

By using a Medicaid software solution, you can eliminate errors, typos, and mistakes in medical codes that are associated with manual Medicaid billing. 

Try BillPro Today

BillPro helps you minimize the risk of billing errors and stay ahead of cash flow with a cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant system. It is one of the best and most affordable Medicaid software solutions for New York State. You can access it from anywhere. Book your free BillPro demo now! 


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