BillPro Feature Spotlight: Custom Reports

BillPro Feature Spotlight: Custom Reports
April 06, 2021
Last updated on January 02, 2023
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Billing software is built to help businesses succeed in the most efficient way possible. Those who use billing software understand how simple it is to file and submit claims with an automated system. What’s even more impressive is the drastic reduction billing software users see in claim rejections and denials. Billing software systems, put simply, make medical billers’ jobs easier. The more features a particular system has, the more likely it is that the system will be one a business can use for years to come, even as they grow. One tool that has proven time and time again to be a huge benefit for every business is the ability to receive customized reports. 

Benefits of Custom Reports 

Benefits of custom reports 

The team at BillPro works hard to provide a stand-out product, because we know we aren’t the only Medicaid billing platform out there. Our goal is to create a lasting relationship with our customers. We don’t want to just be a stop on the way to success—we want to help get you there and stick around while you thrive. That’s why we’re constantly developing our platform to be something greater than it was 5 minutes ago. We believe the best is always yet to come. But how do you anticipate a successful future? By examining the current landscape. Our custom reporting tool delivers detailed, personalized reports right to your inbox, so you always know where you can improve. We believe the benefits of custom reports are endless, but we managed to condense some of them into a list to prove our point. Check out how custom reporting tools amplify our billing software:

Save Valuable Time

We know your job is demanding and tedious. Finding extra time anywhere you can is huge, and that’s exactly what reporting tools do. Instead of manually gathering data for months at a time to create a huge, sometimes incomprehensible spreadsheet, BillPro sorts through relevant data and creates a cohesive, practice report for you. That’s right, all you have to do is decide what your goal is and what analytics you want pulled, and the system automatically does it for you. 

Measure Your Unique Performance

We all define success differently. Your business has entirely different goals than your competitors, and that’s what makes your service unique. If your business is big enough, the departments within your establishment likely have different goals, too. That’s what’s so great about custom reports. You get to choose what data matters most, so it becomes a useful tool in reaching those goals. We work with you to ensure you’re seeing the numbers you need to continue growing. 

Improve Productivity

General reports only give businesses a small glimpse of how they’re performing. Custom reports do a deep dive to provide actionable insights. Whether you’re a small practice or a big, growing company, understanding your team’s performance is the best way to improve your productivity. Where are your shortfalls? Where are you excelling? How are you going to use this data to make your team even stronger? It all starts with having control of the data in your reports, and BillPro gives you that. 

Choose How to Present Your Data

Some of us comprehend graphs in an instant while others prefer charts. With so many ways to present and interpret data, it doesn’t make much sense to limit how your data is organized. Custom reports give you the opportunity to choose how to visualize your data in a way that’s best for your team. After all, if no one can comprehend the data, it’s not going to be a useful tool. 

Make Data More Accessible Than Ever

Our software is hosted on a cloud server, which means your custom reports live in the cloud too. Since your whole team has access to the software from anywhere there’s Internet, it’s easy for everyone to view, discuss, and interpret the reports even if you aren’t in the same room. Big monthly meetings led by presenters with PowerPoints are no longer necessary. Data is accessible to all who need it, whenever they need it. 

Collect Never-Before-Seen Data

Collect never-before-seen data

When you manually collect data, it’s easy to miss something important. But when software collects data and generates reports for you, the system makes sure to include every piece of necessary information—potentially information you’ve never thought about including before. Custom reports will reassure you that you’re not missing crucial information like you might with manual reporting. 

Reduce Mistakes

Even with a keen eye for detail, manual reporting means mistakes and errors will appear in your data. Despite the fact that every single mistake won’t spoil your data, it’s still nice to avoid them if you can. With an automated reporting tool, errors are very unlikely. Now, you can review and use your data without the fear of numbers being off. 

Stay a Step Ahead of the Competition

Let’s face it: we all want to stay ahead of the competition as much as we can. Having a software that develops automated, custom reports is a surefire way to do so. Many businesses are still worried that software is an expensive venture that will only lose them money, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. When you want to improve your operation, you look to the data to guide you. Electronic Medicaid billing software produces all of that data for you to keep you ahead and looking forward. 

Maximize Your Staff’s Potential

Since software automatically handles reporting for you, your staff can focus on other facets of their jobs for increased productivity where it matters. No more long hours inputting data, because BillPro does it all for you. 

Learn More With BillPro

You have the mindset to succeed. Now it’s time to invest in the tools that will get you there. If you want customizable, automated reports sent directly to you, look no further. When you sign up for BillPro NY Medicaid billing software, that’s exactly what you get. Get in touch with our team today and find out what our software can do for you. 

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