Keep These Medical Billing Trends on Your Radar

Keep These Medical Billing Trends on Your Radar
March 15, 2022
Last updated on September 18, 2023
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In the world of healthcare, no two days are exactly the same. You work with a variety of patients, each with their own unique needs. While medical billers aren’t working on the front line, their behind-the-scenes work is just as valuable when all is said and done. The world is constantly changing, and that means the medical billing industry has to adapt to those changes. You shouldn’t wait until you’re faced with a problem to start searching for new solutions, though. Instead, be proactive at your company by following new and emerging billing trends. If you aren’t up to date on the latest trends, we highlighted some important ones below. 

Take Advantage of the Cloud

Cloud-based software has become the preferred choice among various industries all over the world. Cloud-based platforms are highly secure and offer flexibility among workers for better results. If your company hasn’t switched to a cloud-based solution yet, there’s no better time than the present. With a cloud-based platform, you’ll find these benefits and so many more:

  • Boost your efficiency - When everything exists in one space, your workload becomes much more organized. From coding and submitting claims to referencing patient data and more, cloud software puts all the information you need in one place, making your job simpler overall. 

  • Simplified implementation and management - When you’re dealing with on-site software products, you have to set aside days of your time to make sure the product is installed and your team is trained properly. This can become an expensive cost on top of the software itself. However, cloud-based software is different. There’s no on-site installation, so software can be implemented when it’s best for everyone at your company. You’ll still have to pay for training and support with cloud software, but you won’t have to worry about asking IT workers to come on site any time there’s an issue. 

  • Anytime, anywhere access - These days, working remotely is the norm. That’s why you need software that makes working from your home, a coffee shop, or your office equally convenient. Cloud-based software allows your team to access data from anywhere there’s Internet, so whether you’re working together in the office or collaborating from different spaces, you can get the job done properly. 

Electronic Сlaims Processing 

Electronic claims processing

Paper claims are a thing of the past. What once was the standard for medical billing has become an outdated, risky process for billers. Electronic claims processing is faster, more accurate, and an overall better solution for your business. You’ll be able to file more claims at once, submit fewer errors, and get reimbursed faster than you would with manual billing. Many billers mistakenly think they’re saving money by sticking with a manual billing process. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Manual billing causes far more billing errors, because there isn’t an automatic error check process. More billing errors means more time spent fixing those problems and resubmitting the claims for approval. We all know time is money, so if a process is taking longer than it should, you’re losing money, and something needs to change. 

Automatic Data Imports 

Speaking of time-consuming processes, inputting data by hand wastes an exorbitant amount of time. Again, it may seem like a small part of your day, and you might not think data inputs take up a ton of your time, but collectively they add up. Having software that automatically inputs the data you need in just seconds saves you hours of time each day. Not only that, but automatic data imports reduce the risk of incorrect data entry. Nothing is worse than pulling a piece of data from your log, only to find out it wasn’t entered correctly in the first place. Do yourself a favor and automate your data entry as soon as possible. 

Patient Portals 

Patient portals 

Having an open line of communication with your patients is an absolute must in today’s world. Implementing patient portal software is a great way to let your patients know that you’re accessible whenever they need you. It allows seamless communication, and it also gives patients quick access to their upcoming appointments, medical history, and more. A patient portal may also be used to send bills and receive payments. This technology gives the patient more control than ever before, making it a must at your company. 

Don’t Settle for Poor Billing Software

There’s a lot of billing software options on the market, but that doesn’t mean they all fit your business model. Once you commit to finding a system for your business, you need to understand what you’re looking for. Sit down with your team and discuss various pain points and solutions. When you begin your software search, make sure the systems you’re considering have features that will make your job simpler. You might fall in love with the first platform you see, but if it doesn’t have the features you want, it’s not the one for you. If you’re a transportation provider in New York and you’re ready to see what an automated platform can do for your business, get in touch with the BillPro team to book a free demo of our NY Medicaid billing software

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