The Benefits of Cloud-based Billing Software

The Benefits of Cloud-based Billing Software
February 08, 2022
Last updated on September 18, 2023
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Being a consumer in today’s world can be extremely difficult. This isn’t because we can’t find what we want—it’s because there’s too much of everything. This is especially true in the tech world, where nearly everything has an automated counterpart. Because of this excess in products, it can be tricky to pinpoint what we actually want, and which product can provide us with those things. That’s why we created a guide to help push you in the right direction. If you’re looking for cloud-based billing software but are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of systems on the market, we’re here to help. Cloud-based platforms are the best investment for a number of reasons, so we broke down those to give you an idea of what you’re getting when you implement one at your business. 

Manage Every Account in One Place

There are a lot of downfalls when it comes to manual billing. For starters, nothing is stored in the same place. If you’re looking at one customer's file and need to quickly switch to another, you have to physically get up and find that information instead of simply searching within the system. When you’re using cloud-based billing software, all the data you need is at your fingertips—no matter where you’re working. This allows you to file claims faster than ever, ensuring you get paid faster and run a more productive operation. 

Say Goodbye to Paper Invoices

The biggest thing holding you back right now is manual billing. Paper claims are slow, tedious, and error-prone, which means you’ll often run into mistakes when you use this billing method. Not only that, but receiving reimbursements from paper claims can take months—and if you submit a claim with errors, that timeframe becomes even lengthier. Once you make the switch to cloud-based software, you don’t have to think about paper claims ever again. 

Electronically Track Every Invoice

Electronically track every invoice

These days, having the ability to track things electronically is second nature. When we order something online, we almost immediately have access to tracking, so we can eagerly wait for our package to arrive. When we put an address in a GPS, we can quickly see how long it will take us to get from point A to point B. Likewise, when you submit an insurance claim, you want to be able to see where it is in the review and reimbursement process. Cloud-based billing software lets you do this for every claim, so you know what’s going on with your billing every step of the way. 

Set Automatic Billing Reminders

Most insurance companies have deadlines for billing submissions, so you need to be aware of these at all times. You’re likely handling dozens of claims every day, and it can be easy to lose track of timelines when you don’t have an efficient way of tracking them. Cloud-based software comes equipped with the ability to automatically remind billers of upcoming deadlines. You can set when you want these reminders to appear and how frequently. Billing software helps reduce deadlines, but if you aren’t submitting claims on time, it becomes extremely difficult to right your wrong. 

View Your Staff’s Productivity in the Software

If you want to track your employees’ daily, weekly, or monthly productivity, it’s tough to do with manually billing. While you can monitor progress based on the amount of claims submitted, you miss out on small, important details, like the amount of time a claim takes, which company’s billing takes the longest, and anything else you’d like to track to better your operation. Bottom line is, it’s easier to achieve goals when you have a simple way of tracking them. Software is the solution. 

Work From Anywhere There’s an Internet Connection

Work from anywhere there’s an Internet connection

When you use cloud-based billing software, you can bill from a traditional office space, your couch, your at-home office, your favorite coffee shop, or even your lake house—wherever there’s Internet, there’s cloud-based software. We’re living through a time that’s seeing a huge shift from in-person work spaces to fully remote or hybrid ones. If you’re keeping up with the times, you need to make sure your employees have the flexibility to work from the space that’s most convenient for them. 

Eliminate Lengthy Installation Times

On-premise software solutions require a lot more legwork up front. You most likely have to take a day of downtime to ensure the software is properly installed on everyone’s computers—and then you have to train them. This practice used to be acceptable and part of the investment a decade ago, but now, there are much simpler solutions available. Cloud-based software doesn’t need to be installed or downloaded. Instead, it’s hosted on your provider’s servers, so you can access it anytime, anywhere. 

Experience the Best Cloud-based Software in New York

If you still aren’t convinced you need cloud-based Medicaid billing software to run your business, you need to see BillPro in action. Our software for New York Medicaid billers is easy to use and helps you submit clean claims like never before. If you’re ready to see our product, make sure to book your free demo today!    

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